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Pricing for Services

Fiberquant, Inc., or its predecessor company SEMTEC Laboratories, Inc., has been performing asbestos analysis in Phoenix, Arizona since 1979.

Over the years, the methods have changed, but our goal has not: to provide our clients with the highest quality of analysis possible. We intend to provide a high level of service, whether that means to experiment, improve upon or learn about analysis methods, to work on a problem analysis until it is solved rather than until it is uneconomical, to add a capability, such as TEM or AA, so as to provide as complete an asbestos analytical service as possible, or to analyze during off hours or on weekends when needed. We sincerely appreciate the loyal clients that have come to us and stayed with us over the years, and we pledge to continue to provide them with the finest analyses and service that we can.

Asbestos Analysis Price
PLM 1-3 day turnaround $22.50*
PLM RUSH turnaround (<6 hours) $33.75*
PLM Urgent turnaround (<3 hours) $45.00*
PLM with gravimetric reduction 3-5 day turnaround $100.00
PLM with gravimetric reduction RUSH turnaround $150.00
PLM CARB 435 1-3 day turnaround $85.00
PLM CARB 435 24-hour turnaround $127.50
TEM air 24-hour turnaround $100.00
TEM air 5-day turnaround $75.00
TEM air RUSH turnaround $150.00
TEM gravimetric reduction 3-5 day turnaround $100.00
TEM gravimetric reduction RUSH turnaround $150.00
PCM 24-hour turnaround $18.00
PCM RUSH turnaround $18.00

*Point counting is included for friable samples containing <1% to keep our clients in compliance with NESHAP. Point counting of non-friable layers (when possible) and samples with>1% asbestos is $30.00 per layer for 1-3 day turnaround and $45 for RUSH turnaround.

Lead Analysis Price
FAA lead analysis 1-3 day turnaround $25.00
FAA lead analysis RUSH turnaround $37.50
XRF on-site Lead-based Paint Inspection Call
Silica Analysis Price
Silica NIOSH 7500 3-5 day turnaround $85.00
Silica NIOSH 7500 24-hour turnaround $127.50
Soot/Carbon Black Analysis Price
Soot light microscopy 1-2 day turnaround $45.00
Soot light microscopy RUSH turnaround $67.50
Soot TEM 3-5 day turnaround $200.00
Soot TEM 24-hour turnaround $300.00